
Changing Leadership Expectations Following COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world as we know it, from healthcare, to general business operations, and even to the recent global supply chain issues.

One area of impact that often does not receive sufficient media coverage is that of organizational leadership, especially around how the expectations of leaders are changing.

To explain these changes, check out this infographic based off of a COVID-19 Employer Survey:

In all, leaders of today are expected to be: crisis handlers, facilitators, and change agents (amongst others).

How can you best adapt to these changes? Consider the following 3 key action items:

  1. Assess leader competencies
  2. Invest heavily in leadership development in order to close the gap between these new leadership expectations and your current workforce
  3. Implement an employee listening strategy to gauge trust in leadership and overall organizational climate

What has been your experience during the pandemic? We’d love to hear from you.



2020 Willis Towers Watson COVID-19 Employer Survey: Talent Implications.
