
Jumpstart Your January: Using Year-End Reflection as a Compass for the Future

As the year draws to a close, business leaders are often racing to the finish line on existing tasks and initiatives. The result of that approach? They miss out on doing things that could set them up for future success. Reflecting on the year’s highs and lows isn’t just a ceremonial gesture; it’s a strategic imperative. Taking stock of achievements provides valuable insights into what strategies worked, fostering a culture of learning from success. Conversely, examining failures illuminates crucial lessons, fostering resilience and innovation.

Year-end reflection isn’t solely about the past; it’s a compass for the future. Planning for the upcoming year based on these reflections serves as a roadmap, aligning objectives with newfound insights. It allows leaders to recalibrate goals, refine strategies, and adapt to market dynamics or unforeseen challenges. This reflective process nurtures a forward-thinking mindset. It instills a proactive stance rather than a reactive one, empowering leaders to anticipate trends, seize opportunities, and mitigate risks. Moreover, it encourages a culture of accountability and continuous improvement within the organization.

In essence, the year-end reflection ritual is a potent tool for sustainable growth. It’s a bridge that connects past experiences to future endeavors, infusing decision-making with wisdom and foresight. Ultimately, it positions businesses not just to thrive in the upcoming year but to excel amidst uncertainty, evolving markets, and rapid change.

As such, CMA suggests a series of thought questions that can help business leaders identify the parts of their companies that have done well, the parts that have struggled and how they could improve.

  1. Which of your 2023 business and personal development initiatives were clearly successful and clearly unsuccessful?
  2. What do these successes and failures tell you about critical strengths or skill gaps in the organization?
  3. Should we multiply our strengths and/or replicate them in other parts of the organization?
  4. Is it important to close the skill gaps or is it more effective to cease efforts on that initiative and reallocate resources?
  5. What role should I play in leading and managing these changes in the next year?
  6. Given the above answers along with my leadership mission and vision, where will I focus my leadership talents and development in the next year.

Check out the full guide to “Jumpstart Your January,” below.

Jumpstart January 2024 Guide

Get the Guide ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎


  • Jami Wolfe, Ph.D., SPHR

    Jami is a Managing Partner at CMA Global, where she has been serving clients since 2008. Jami’s work focuses on areas such as: team development, organizational assessment, organizational structuring and development, leadership coaching and development, linking of executive performance with business strategy, talent management, and development of training programs to maximize workforce and leadership performance. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology is from St. Louis University.

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  • Erica Medrano

    Erica is a graduate student in industrial-organizational psychology and Associate Consultant at CMA. She received her Bachelor of Science in psychology with from University of Georgia in 2018, then went on to receive her Master of Science from the Florida Institute of Technology in 2020, where she is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in industrial-organizational psychology. She is passionate about using research to make a positive impact on the workplace, with an emphasis on leadership, teams, and well-being.

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