
Brian Enright, Ph.D., MBA

“I gained valuable experience as a CMA consultant early in my career prior to living and working abroad. My time away and experience with other firms has increased my appreciation for the world class assessment system here at CMA Global.”

Brian draws on his leadership experience, business acumen and education when helping organizations build capacity and morale within their teams. He follows data from the science of psychology and cues from his diverse experience to help people thrive as leaders in work and in life. Through his career, he has consulted closely with several executive teams while also connecting with front-line workers, which has given him a rare and edifying window into the ripple effect of executive decisions through all levels of an organization.

He graduated with highest honors from Butler University and later earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Missouri – St. Louis. His doctoral dissertation focused on psychological assessment in employee selection. He has published peer-reviewed research, presented at professional conferences, and he taught graduate level courses in the practical application of cognitive and personality assessment.

While he served as a Captain in the United States Air Force, Brian honed his leadership approach in a challenging post 9/11 operational environment. He was selected as Officer of the Year in his Squadron, and he was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal for his service. After the Air Force, he gained valuable experience as a CMA consultant prior to living and working in Germany, Japan, and New Zealand, where he earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Otago.

He enjoys the outdoors with his wife and son, and he appreciates volunteer opportunities in areas that support community building and that promote children’s interest in science.